
Showing posts from September, 2020

Prioritize your activities

            I see a lot of people in their life prioritizing work. And I really think that it is one of the most crucial things in life to do if one wants to be successful. But I also believe that success is not always measured by the highs of the business or one’s earnings but from the balance that one makes in his/her life. A balance of work, family and society. A person should give equal importance and priority to all the three aspects mentioned above. The perfect balance between work, family and society is the textbook definition of being successful. A person who is outgoing, lives happily with family, and enjoys his/her work is successful. I don’t believe someone earning $10,000 a month by working 12 hours on computer is successful. He is a slave of his own wrong perception and interpretation of this world. One must prioritize activities along with work in order to be successful. You’ve got to give equal importance to your family, friends, society ...


           Your thinking towards someone doesn’t proves that what the other person is but it depicts your own perception and personality. I do feel that we should never judge someone on the basis of appearance, the way someone talks, or what a person eats. Everyone has their own thinking. I have always felt that there’s nothing right or wrong. Its all in your mind. If you think that eating a chocolate pie every day is wrong, then it is wrong. On the contrary, if you think it is right then it is right too. Perceptions change with time.   At younger age, it changes after three or four years, but as you grow up, it changes faster than before. More your age, exposure and experience, your perception towards different things change quickly. This happens due to maturity as well. When a person is mature, he/she understands this world and people in a better way. If you can change your perception towards a person or a ritual or a habit, then you can adjust...

It’s the minutes that define you!

                                It is not always the years and years of hard work that take you to success, it is the minutes that define your life. It is those crucial moments of the day that matters the most. If you can perform in those crucial moments repeatedly for years, you are bound to taste success. It is always about those precious minutes that one utilizes in his/her life to become better than others. People generally don’t value small portions of time and concentrate on the full day or a week’s time to achieve something. But if you can utilize those few minutes everyday in improving yourself then you will always be ahead of everyone else. I often see people rush in the morning when they are on the way for work or study. This happens because they are not aware about the power of minutes in life. They usually depart from home a few minutes late, so they try to compensate the delay by driv...

The Swapping Rule

          There’s no guarantee that you will not face negativity or negative people in your life who will try to derail you from your goal. So, to get rid of this situation, you must form a positive bubble around you. This bubble will help you prevent the negativity near you. Yes, you can stay positive all the time if you know the right technique. You’ve got to follow the rule of swapping in order to get rid of your negative thoughts and bring good things in your life. This rule will change your life if you learn to apply it. As you very well know that swapping simply means to replace something. If you want something in life, then you’ve got to replace it with something else. If you want to be positive, then you need to swap your negativity with it. Until and unless you don’t get rid of your negativity, you can’t let positivity in your system. People do get rid of negativity or bad habits, but they often swap it with another bad habit. Someone might get ...

Social Template

                     Our society has been plagued by templates since the humans began to settle in groups. Templates change with time and it becomes our duty to follow those templates if we wish to thrive in society. These templates differ from country to country, region to region and culture to culture. These templates rule the life of people and they follow it blindly to impress others and flourish in civilizations.   Society often set templates regarding education, partner, kids, and so on. They also fix a timeline to it whether getting married at 40 is good or not. Whether having kids at 50 is respectable or not. Whether studying at the age of 60 is acceptable or not. These templates are often wired in our brains by our parents and society. We always judge people and their choices based on these templates. We have been following these templates knowingly or unknowingly. There may be some benefits and consequences as w...

Smile Often!

                                                                                                     Smiling is one of the traits that some people use to their advantage. Although smiling unnecessarily doesn’t look good but there are more benefits of keeping a smile on face than its drawbacks. A smiling face looks more beautiful than a stone face. When a person smiles, he shows that he is happy. That might not be the case, but at least he’s making an effort to remain happy. Smile covers a lot of discrepancies of a person. A smiling face always attract other people’s attention. It works as a huge advantage for you in most of the situations in life. A smiling face can make someone’s day or change someone’s mood. By smiling, you can ...

Don’t be afraid of failure

               Being afraid of failure is the most harmful trait that a person can have. It chains you and your thoughts to a pretty ordinary life and goals. – Darshan Singh People who are afraid of failures can never become successful in life. And I have often said that success doesn’t necessarily mean earning more money. Although earning a good amount of money is another aspect of success but doing the things you like, having big thinking, a positive attitude, balance in work-family life and following your passion is also the characteristics of being successful. Being afraid in life or in a particular situation will not take you anywhere. It will pull you down from the ladder of success. The fear of failure and other types of fears breaks the confidence of a person. It restricts you from chasing your goals after a failure. You won’t have the courage to pursue your goals if you fear letdowns. Our life is full of disappointments, but it does...

Discuss your issues with loved ones

                           Some people keep their thoughts and worries to themselves. They don’t like to share their feelings with others. This can happen to anyone and perhaps this is the main reason behind depression and suicides happening these days. When people keep their worries and anxious moments to themselves, they tend to get more concerned due to the burden they have inside them. This is one of the most prevalent psychological problem today. We have got to deal with this issue otherwise this society will become miserable. People will not help each other, they will become more selfish, they will become materialistic and unhealthier. There are number of reasons as to why people sometimes don’t share their worries with others. It is their fake ego that don’t let them ask for help from others. People think that they will look fool if they tell someone that they are worried and are not able to find a way fo...

Chip off negative elements

                                            Acquiring knowledge and different skills is important in life but equally important is to chip off your negative aspects every now and then to keep yourself clean. Bad habits can be easily developed and sometimes are very difficult to get rid of. Our mind and body are like a car that needs service and overhauling from time to time. If we do not serve our body and condition our mind, then one day there will be a breakdown. It is crucial to get rid of any negative thoughts, actions, habits and characteristics you have. You’ve got to evaluate yourself from time to time and write your good and bad points on a piece of paper. Your ears must also be open to any constructive criticism that you get. You must work on your weakness and eliminate any negativity from your life. Once you start chipping off negativity from your life,...

Don’t Stop, Keep Going!

                    Slow and steady wins the race. We all must have read this quote millions of times in our childhood. But do we really follow it and admire the deep learning that is associated with it? Actually, most people don’t really live by this quote in today’s era as no one wants to be slow and lag behind others. Everyone wants to win the race of life and secure a bright future as quickly as possible. This attitude by no means a negative one. As gaining success in a relative short period of time is one of the most wonderful feelings that one can get. But in most of the cases, success comes gradually. It requires time, patience and regular efforts. This quote that slow and steady wins the race is not about going slow towards your goal but to be persistent and working for your dreams non-stop. This quote signifies the importance of perseverance and patience during tough times. To simplify, there will be many obstacles in life t...

Be social

                                                                                                    Human is a social animal and he can’t live without society. This is absolutely true and any normal human likes to have friends and family. People generally like to have people in life who love and support them in their good and bad times. The way people socialize has changed drastically over the past few years. People these days are more interested in chatting online rather than meeting a friend in person. Today’s generation likes to socialize a lot but the way they do it has changed. The new type of socializing has brought many issues and the biggest of them is the manners. Table manners, how to gre...

Don’t be anxious about future

                       There’s no point of worrying about something that is not in your hands. Future is unpredictable and something that can’t be assessed. You must wait patiently for the things to unfold and remain positive about your future. Being anxious about future is one of the most prevalent issues in today’s society. Most of the youngsters are suffering from this problem and are not able to get out of it easily. People these days are constantly worried about their prospects. They don’t live happily in the present instead they waste their present time in thinking about future. They are always looking to improve their future, and, in this pursuit, they forget to improve their present. You will get nothing out of worrying about your future. You will get tensed and unstable if you don’t stay in the present. Being anxious about future is one of the silliest things that a person can do in life. You’ve got to understand...

Always reconcile

                 It’s a human nature to be good with some people and not quite the same with others. We like some and we dislike some. That’s perfectly ok but this nature is not in-built. This is a trait that we get from this world and society. There can be times when we cut off our relations with some people because they did something immoral to us or we don’t consider them worthy of our relationship. In either case we stop talking to that person and disrupt all the relations with him/her. But can there be a better way of parting your ways? Can there be a middle way that we should take instead of cutting off completely? Indeed, there are many ways and we can follow them to achieve a smooth transition from our current relations to a newer one. But do we really need to make our relations bitter? Or completely ignore that person who was once a great friend or cousin of yours? I don’t think it is worth to let go your relations due to somethi...

Believe you can do it!

                          “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right”. – Henry Ford It all depends on the kind of attitude you have towards life. If you think that you can achieve a certain thing in life, then your battle is half won. On the contrary, if you doubt yourself about achieving something then your battle is half lost. It is all about the mindset of a person. Always remember, believers are the achievers. Until and unless you believe in your creativity, you can’t be inventive enough to achieve great things in life. There are people who want to do certain things in life, but they lack the courage and belief to pursue that. If they are not confident enough in their ability, they can’t achieve greatness in life. This quote works miracles in our life. It is a basic fundamental of life that you are always correct. Our mind is very powerful and reacts to our thoughts and always commands in ‘...

Don’t think, just do it!

                              This has become one of the most common attributes of people of today’s generation. They are great thinkers, but they only think and do nothing. Most of the youngsters are busy in watching someone or following a celebrity but they are not into the habit of improving themselves. They are contended with other’s success and failures but they themselves don’t try anything to change their plight. Great ideas are not of any worth unless they are practically realized and executed. There’s no point of discussing something until and unless you have the intent to pursue that idea. If you discuss something that you are not going to do or attempt, then you are simply wasting your and other’s time. The problem of only thinking about something and not doing anything has become a disease and is spreading among youngsters world-wide. The excess use of internet and being indulged all day long in t...

Small Victories lead to Big Rewards!

                           People generally celebrate big achievements and ignore the smaller ones. This is not the right attitude towards your achievements. Every small achievement is a contributor towards your bigger one. Always break down your goals in smaller aims and achieve them one after another to reach the top. Steadily you will find that your small accomplishments are making sure that you get to the bigger goal. So why do we ignore the small accomplishments? Why is it important to celebrate small achievements? How does small achievements lead to the attainment of bigger goals in life? It is pretty simple to answer all these questions. We generally ignore the small achievements because we don’t realize that we have gained something fruitful. But this is a wrong sort of attitude towards your success. You must always celebrate even the smallest of the victories. When you celebrate these small victories, y...

Do it Yourself!

                            You will have solutions to most of the problems in life when you do your things yourself. – Darshan Singh Friends are there in your life to help you out in every worst possible situation. Your family stands by you in thick and thin. Most of you will have the support of numerous people in your life. A lot of people become dependent on others from moral, financial, physical and spiritual support. Seeking support from your near and dear ones is not a bad thing at all but people often overuse this luxury. They become dependent on others for help in every chores and phase of life. This is not a healthy trend and people must realize that there is going to be a time when they will be alone. When there will be no one to help them out of a situation. There will be a time when you will have no one to ask for help. This world works like this. One day, everyone will be busy in their lives and ...

Courage is the key to success

                         I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man not he who does not fell afraid, but he who conquers the fear. – Nelson Mandela Being courageous is one of the best traits to have in life. People are generally courageous in some of the facets but not in others. So being audacious in every aspect of life requires a lot of sacrifices and intent. People who are courageous have more capacity of taking risks. Thus, they have more chances of being successful. It is not something that you can learn from someone and neither it is something that you can acquire with experience. It is something that comes with an attitude towards life and your upbringing. People who are courageous are never afraid to fail. They have the never-ending determination of trying new things after each failure. They are also not scared of rejections in life, so they keep on...

Try new

                                                    There are many things in life that gives you satisfaction and it is important to do those things repeatedly in order to remain in a joyful zone. There can be times when you feel like breaking the monotony. That’s when you must break it otherwise it affects your efficiency. When you are in a good mood, your productivity is the highest. But the big question is how to remain happy? How to remain in good mood for longer periods of time? How to keep your interest in the activities you do? How to remain positive in every situation? How to keep your efficacy high enough to get the best results? There’s a simple answer to all these questions. Try something new every time you get a chance. Don’t be stuck in the boredom by following the monotony day in day out. Change your routine once o...

Never sell yourself short

                                        If you don’t want to sell yourself short, then you’ve got to work on your skills and craft to mushroom your worth. – Darshan Singh What values you? Who values you? What creates value for you? How can you judge your own value? Do others judge your value? Can anyone else judge your value accurately? All answers to these questions lie within you. You are the one who can judge yourself truly. You can assess your real worth and talent if you introspect deeply. You are the one who is responsible for what you are doing or on what level you are today. You lead a life that you had planned and worked for. No one else is responsible for what you are doing or in what problems you are. You are the one held responsible for whatever you have achieved and in whatever you have failed in life. So, it becomes pretty clear that you can’t and...

The Positive Energy

                                        If you are positive internally, you will radiate positivism anywhere you go. In the same way, the negativity omits from a person who is negative from inside. It is about that vibe and aura of a person that makes him/her great or ordinary. Most people can actually feel the positive energy or negativity inside others. You must have noticed that we feel elated after meeting a person. And sometimes we meet another person and we don’t feel good about the meeting. It is all about the vibes. People with negative vibes will have an air of doubt, unpleasant mood and pessimism. Whereas a person with a positive thinking will have an air of optimism, winning instinct and development. There can be times when we feel low. It is not a crime when you feel negative inside you. There are so many things that are connected to your life. You ca...

Respect other's opinion

                              Different minds, different ideas. This quote is so true, and I have always believed in the fact that everyone on this globe has different perspectives and ideas. And it is our duty to display our emotions and place our opinions on the table at the time of discussion but more importantly listening to others as well. Listening to other’s perspectives, their notions on a certain thing and respecting their opinions is crucial. You just can’t say that I am right or he’s wrong. It is the way you perceive this world. Your opinions are formed on the basis of your upbringing and the kind of exposure you had in the past. Your opinions develop due to the research you do, knowledge you have and your attitude towards life. It is not wrong to have different opinions than others. And same goes the other way. It is not wrong if others have different opinions than yours. You must...

Connect with People

                                                    It is crucial to connect with numerous people if you want to be successful in life. Never let your ego decide the connections you want to make with people. Always try to connect to as much people as you can from every corner of the world, religion and caste. Making connections and friendships doesn’t discriminate on any basis. If you know 100 people well then it means you know thousands of people. As your 100 associates will also have hundreds of connections and further on. When you need any help or you just need the support of your friends in some project, then you know that you have many people on your back. You can rely on them for your support and you can always help them back when you are capable enough. Friendship is a give and take relationship. That’s why it is one of the...

Take out time for leisure activities

                                             The life is full of setting goals, achieving them, failing, gaining success, earning money, losing capital and this vicious cycle goes on and on. Once you are in this world, there are very less chances that you will not be affected by or be a part of this cycle. Successes and failures are not life but an integral part of it. Success gives you name and fame whereas failure teaches you a lot of things. You can’t just avoid these things in life and neither you can get full control on them. But what you can do is to stay calm and composed in your successes and failures. There’s one thing in life that will remain with you in your good and bad times, your hobbies. Your leisure activities and things you like doing apart from your work are equally important as earning money and achieving success. Most of the kid...

Being self-centered

                                     ‘Being self-centered is not being selfish.’ – Darshan Singh If you want to gain success, you got to be self-centered. Being self-centered is generally termed as selfish and in a negative frame. But its not the way how it should be portrayed. The other side should also be explored and understood. Being self-centered is not bad at all. When a person is chasing a goal, generally a bigger one, then he/she is naturally being self-centered. He/she sacrifices a lot of things in pursuit to achieve his/her goals. When you are not self-centered, you can’t walk on a straight line. You have many distractions that can derail you from the path of your destiny. ‘Preoccupied with oneself and one’s affairs’ is the dictionary definition of being self-centered. I fail to understand that why people use it as a negative expression. If you are occupied wit...

# Don't Believe Everything!

                                                                           ‘Read everything, listen to everybody, believe nothing, unless you can prove it with your own research.’   – Milton William Cooper   The previous generation has clearly succumbed to the false news and rumors  through various mobile applications and social media. Fact checking has no importance when it comes to believing certain notions and narrative. The previous generation has failed to accept the fact that whatever they see in media, social networks and in text messages is not all true.    I am not saying that all the previous generation don't do fact check, but most of them don't do or are not simply aware of it. They believe in propaganda that PR ...