# Don't Believe Everything!

                                                            Don't Believe Everything You Hear And Only Half Of What You See –  Walexmarceva's Blog

‘Read everything, listen to everybody, believe nothing, unless you can prove it with your own research.’

 – Milton William Cooper


The previous generation has clearly succumbed to the false news and rumors through various mobile applications and social media. Fact checking has no importance when it comes to believing certain notions and narrative. The previous generation has failed to accept the fact that whatever they see in media, social networks and in text messages is not all true. 


I am not saying that all the previous generation don't do fact check, but most of them don't do or are not simply aware of it. They believe in propaganda that PR companies run. They are extremely vulnerable to such data and information. 


I am not writing this article to criticize people of that age group, but I am writing this to make you aware that even millennial and generation z is falling in this trap. The most fortunate thing in our country is that we comprise of majority youth, but it can become a big misfortune if we ignore the fact checking. 


Believing on something without checking and challenging it is the most foolish thing to do in life. I am afraid to say that many youngsters have also become victims of this. They are believing on propaganda and don't always verify the facts and figures. 


The youngsters are kept in delusion through fake messages and advertisement. They are the ones who are the backbone of the society, but the governments and big corporate houses are exploiting them to promote a certain product or notion. How easily we believe on others or the messages that we receive. This is not going to take us to a position where we are able to take our own decisions. Our decisions in life will be influence by the propaganda that we are continuously being exposed to and due to the mindset, that we have developed due to the intake of fake information every day.


If we continue to play in the hands of politicians and corporate houses, then it is impossible to bring reforms in society. We are still a developing nation and we have been believing the promises of different leaders and political parties about development from the past several decades, but we are still to become a developed nation.


There is a great need of reform and overhauling of the political system so that we can grow as a nation. You must understand this illusion and start fact checking and stop believing on any message that you receive or a piece of information you read on the internet or see in the news channels. Don’t believe anything blindly, check it yourself, do your research and then conclude.


Love and power to you



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