
Showing posts from August, 2020

Be ahead of time

                                                              ‘There is always something ahead of time, keep looking for it, recognize it, pounce on it and eventually be successful.’ – Darshan Singh People who are highly successful are always ahead of their time. Whether it is their thinking, or it is their methods of pursuing their careers, takes them to spectacular heights. A successful person always looks for opportunities. He/she always look for something that has huge potential. They know how to exploit those opportunities and make them big. Being ahead of time might seem a difficult task, but who said that becoming successful is easy. You need to be aware of the trends in order to be successful in life. When you know the current situation properly then you can anticipate the future as well. When you are always thinking about the future and its trends, you tend to form tremendous ideas in your mind. You start to generate more and more ideas for the future. So that means you

Prepare for success

                                          Often, we see people rise to massive success in a short span of time and suddenly fall so hard that they are never able to make a comeback. Have you ever thought of the reason behind this? Most of you might say that they couldn’t digest success. You are absolutely right but why were they not able to digest success? There could be many reasons but if you narrow down those factors then you will conclude that they were not well prepared for it. That’s true, if you are not prepared for success then your success won’t last long. You might be an overnight sensation but in long term, you will not stand a chance. When you are on your way of becoming successful, then you’ve got to prepare yourself for it. You just can’t be a person with ordinary attitude and expect yourself to be successful. You must get ready for the things to come and anticipate the change in your life. You need to act like successful person before becoming one. You must become

Love and Respect Yourself

                              Just remember this simple thing in life that until and unless you love and respect yourself you are not going to get respect and love from others. This is the first step towards success. When you start loving yourself then you are on the way of becoming a confident person. Although this love shouldn’t be unconditional. You must be prepared to criticize yourself when needed. On the contrary, also respect yourself when you achieve something. Even if it is a small achievement, you must pat your back and have admiration for yourself in your own eyes. One must believe in his/her own abilities and must rate themselves higher than others or at least at par. You should always have this belief in your heart that you are good enough to do a certain thing and must back yourself to achieve anything. Massive credence comes from pampering yourself. Believe that you are good enough to be respected and loved by others. There are many people who look for validation

Invest in skills

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ‘Investing in skills will make you the richest person in life’. – Darshan Singh Investing in right prospects is one of the key factors behind success. People who invest right are the ones who enjoy success. Investing money to gain more money is not the only type of investment in this world. Investing in skill is investment in true sense. A person is recognized from his/her skills and not the amount of money he/she has earned. It is not a coincidence that most skillful people are the ones who earn more money and gain more success. It is their skills and persistent hard work that made them what they are today. It is the investment they put in their skills that brings out the best in them. Everyone has same amount of learning capability and chance at opportunities. Some m

How to do will lead you to Success

                                   ‘How to do will lead you to success.’ – Darshan Singh There are many instances in life when you might have felt stuck and no way forward seems possible. That is when this formula of life will take you where you want to reach. How to do? When this question comes to your mind, you will start getting answers for all your unanswered questions. You will find a way forward where there were only closed doors in the past. This is one of the most difficult situations to fight in life. When you have no answers to your questions, and you have no one in your life who can tell you the answers to these questions, you might feel that this is the end of the road. I have always felt that the best answers to all the difficult questions lie within you. You have all the answers to your difficulty, but you need to learn to find those answers. It is a skill and can be learnt easily. There is a simple exercise that you can do in your daily routine to get rid of your iss

Have Faith in People

                                     ‘Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.’ – Martin Luther King Jr. One of the most difficult things in life is to place your faith in people and their promises. Most people don’t trust others easily. If you want to be successful in life, then you’ve got to have faith in people. You must trust others when you give them responsibility or your word. How billionaires are running their endless number of businesses? How celebrities are managing their finances through their managers? How sports persons can believe their coaches and managers? The answer is that they have faith in people. They trust people around them and that is the reason they are able to grow to such heights. You can’t reach your ultimate goals if you don’t have conviction in people. You can’t just reach the pinnacle all alone. You need people around you to support you. You need a great spouse who trusts you and you trust them back. You need a fr

Quarantine yourself occasionally!

                                             This works wonders for many people. Quarantining yourself from your family, friends and daily routine can be a great stress buster. In this ever-busy life, people don’t find time for themselves. They are busy in either working or spending time with their loved ones. When you don’t have time for yourself, you tend to lose your originality and peace of mind. Every human being needs time for himself where he/she can contemplate about life and purpose. This time is essential for human development as well. Isolating yourself will bring out the best in you. Most people are leading such life that they can’t afford to quarantine themselves. They need people around them, family to talk to, work day and night, partying with friends and so on. We have set our life on a template that is not the best. Seldom do we take out time for ourselves. A person can’t develop his/her skills if he/she doesn’t have time for themselves. It takes huge courage t

Don't sit idle!

                                                 Sitting idle and nurturing a tummy is the easiest thing in life to achieve. The most difficult thing that people find is doing hard work. Achieving something can be pure luck as well but majority of people work day and night for their success. You go through success stories of celebrities and you will find that the biggest of them started from scratch. You can’t just sit idle if you are looking to achieve success. You can’t just make castles in the air and expect to gain something. You’ll only get reaction when you do action. I am not saying this at all, it is a universal law of physics. Until and unless you produce some actions, you are not going to the top. Sitting idle and doing nothing is the desire of most of the humans I have met. And it is not a coincidence that only one percent of the population is living in luxury and earning the 90% wealth of the world. There is no mystery behind people's success. There is no secret f

The Race of Life

People make the biggest blunder of their life by not running their own race and following other’s footsteps. This can cause derailment and is also one of the principal causes of depression and anxiety in this world. One must be prepared in life to take risks and chose their own path. A path that is designed especially for them. A path that is not copied from others. A path that doesn’t lead to where we don’t want to go. Choosing a path for yourself is difficult but not a rocket science.   Running your own race will keep you happy in your life. You will feel contended and confident when you pursue your career. Choosing a path for yourself should be dependent on your choices and not anyone’s opinions. Although consulting people for your career path is good but you must leave the choice of choosing the path to yourself. We may see people in life doing well in a particular field, but that doesn’t mean that you will excel in that too. You’ve got to find your inner self. You need to

Cooking – Men’s or Women’s Job?

                                               Men cooking food in some countries is considered as feminine. I have to say that this is one of the most pathetic mindsets that I have come across. Unfortunately, it is quite prevalent in India and some parts of Asia and Africa. Women in traditional families of India are merely considered as the cook, caretaker, cleaner and housekeeper of the family. This has become a trend of society that might look normal to Indians but people from other nations may find it bizarre. Have you ever thought why only women are posted to this job and why men are not? I fail to understand this inclination and have often asked people about it. Surprisingly, most of the people felt normal about it. And you will be astonished to know that majority of them were women. The pathetic version that we feed to the girls of our country from their childhood that the are inferior to boys. They are weak and can’t compete with so called brave boys. We infuse the though

Making Today Better!

                                        Having goals in life can be distracting sometimes. If you don’t really have an idea of how to pursue your goals, then you can find yourself in a lot of mess. Most people make the mistake of setting unachievable goals and then regret when they are not able to accomplish them. Goal setting is a very complicated exercise and can’t be learnt in days. It takes years of success and failures to learn it. But in this blog, I am going to tell you the easiest way to achieve goals. The mistake that people make is that they mostly focus on the bigger goals and forget to address the smaller ones. The minor goals are more crucial than setting out the ultimate goals. When you work and struggle each day to achieve the smaller goals, the ultimate goals will be attained eventually. Everyday goals are the best way to reach to your destination. Don’t think of making your tomorrow better, make your today better first. Do this everyday and then see the magic of

Meet Everyone!

                                                                             Meeting new people will make you a better person. There are millions of things that you can learn in life by simply meeting people. They'll teach you certain traits of life that you need to have to become successful. People are like books; everyone is different, and everyone is filled with knowledge. Some are filled with crap though.   It doesn't matter what profession you are in; you must find ways to meet new people and make your connections strong. It's a fact that if you know 20 people well enough then you probably know hundreds and thousands of people whom you are not directly in contact with. Because those 20 people will have their own circle and those connected to 20 will have their own. This goes on and on.    If you have a knack of meeting people, then you probably can't lag behind in your life. You'll have enough support and expertise on your side if you frequently meet ne

Define Yourself!

                                                            Defining yourself seems the easiest thing in life yet many people are not able to do this. People often focus on other facets of life but forget to define themselves. The result of not defining yourself is that people start defining you. It may be suitable to your personality, but the chances are that people will normally not define you as who you are. They will define you from their own perception or after meeting you for the first time. Remember that most people will form opinions about you right after their first meeting with you. It’s not uncommon to see people defining others as someone who they are not. People generally form perceptions about others for their own convenience. If you are someone and don’t define yourself then you can never carve a niche for yourself. You must define yourself and let people know who you are. If you want to become a businessman then start calling yourself a businessman. Keep visiting ca

Deposit positive thoughts in your memory card

                                                                   Our mind works exactly like a memory card. It deposits everything that we put in it. Our mind has only the ability to process the thoughts. Mind doesn’t generate ideas. It is our consciousness that produces different thoughts and put those thoughts in our mind. Then our mind works on those thoughts and operates your thought process and belief system. I don’t want to go deep technical, but you need to understand this in a simple manner that our mind doesn’t produce ideas. It is you who put ideas in your mind. If putting ideas in your mind is in your hand then you can definitely change the type of thoughts or ideas, you deposit in your mind. When you put negative thoughts in your mind then you force yourself to think negatively over and over again. You are continuously producing negative thoughts in your mind. Even if you are in a good phase of mind, the negative thoughts will somehow penetrate your mind and surround

Follow your Dreams

                                                              Follow your dreams. This thing is easier said than done. Many people tell this to others and a lot of people tell themselves but seldom do people really follow it. In this society where we are told to live by the rules set by the society itself. Here we are not allowed to think from our own perception. We are taught to follow the advice of our parents in every aspect. We are deemed to be bad if we take our own decisions and not follow the path that has been created by our parents and society. Such a pathetic life it is when you don’t follow your dreams. Lucky are those people who are following their dreams and are happy in what they do. We all go through that struggling phase of life when we are stuck and don’t know which path to choose. At that stage, two things happen. One is the path we chose that is designed by our parents, society or latest trends. In that path, you don’t have the full conviction, but you feel that tr

Think Beyond Religion!

                                                                             How often have you seen a government officer or a person with power of a certain religion or caste favoring a person from his religion or caster over you, despite you being better and talented than your competitor. Has it happened with you? Or have you heard someone who has gone through this. I am sure you must have encountered this situation especially if you live in India. I am not saying this doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world. But it happens more in India as we have an array of religions and cultural sects. I fail to understand that why people chose religion over talent. Why people are so obsessed with their religion and why they think that a person from their own religion is better than the one from other religion. Why they think that there’s a need to favor person from their own religion, sect and caste. In this era, we must think beyond religion. I am not against any religion and why would I

Don't Judge People

                                               ‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them’. – Mother Teresa  Judging people is a very negative yet common habit among people. When you judge someone, you are just making a perception about that person from your own ideas and level of thinking. judging someone will make a perception about that person in your mind which isn’t true. You can never judge a person correctly and there’s no need to either. Why people judge others? I think it is innate and most people do this when they see and meet other people. Right after meeting someone, people start making predictions about the nature, financial status, habits (good and bad), and many other things of that person. This is a very negative attitude to have in life. You must never judge a person and his/her abilities. Your judgement about others is mostly wrong. So why judge? You may not be aware of a person’s struggles, his/her obstacles in life and many other factors that shape ev

What is Independence?

                                        Independence is letting your kids chose their career path. Independence is letting your daughter chose her better half. Independence is letting your wife make as many friends she wants. Independence is letting your spouse work on any project or career he/she wants. Independence is not pressurizing your spouse for having a baby. Independence is not interfering in your family member’s life. Independence is letting your kids live a life they want.  Every Indian is enjoying this day as we got freedom from the Britishers in 1947 on this very day. I am always excited on this day every year as my life is seriously connected with the word, independence. I have lived my life on my terms and had the ultimate freedom in making study and career choices. In choosing my better half and in choosing the way I want to live. My father is religious, but I am not. My mother is graduate from a top university, but I am college drop out. I have been lucky in my life

Be responsible for your own Happiness

                                        No one in this world is responsible for your sorrows. No one can break your confidence. No one can penetrate your attitude until you allow them to do it. It is you who is responsible for any of the emotions or feelings that runs in your mind and body. Feelings are often described as the key factor behind a person’s mental and physical health. It is our emotions and feelings that make us who we are. If you are a doleful person then you can never be lively or active in life. If you are a happy person, you will always be up for change and new things. Being happy is being successful. You’ve got to understand this thing in life that no one else is responsible for your internal bliss. You can keep yourself joyful if you want. There are countless ways through which you can keep yourself happy. You need to figure out the best way that makes you happy in life. Some people feel happy when they earn money. Some find happiness in reading a book. Some p

Give more than you take

                                                                   This world is full of opportunities and resources if you believe in yourself. You will get endless chances at success. You will get abundance of resources if you strive for hard work. The system of world never disappoints you when you put in hard and long strides. When you struggle for a goal, you tend to achieve it ultimately. When you achieve your goal, it is important to stay humble and keep on working hard for your other goals. Many people achieve big things in life but seldom they contribute to society and others life. A champion not only succeeds but help others succeed as well. A champion will always give back to society and people who have helped him in his journey . He/she will not only take but give as much as he can to others. Being successful doesn’t mean that you have a lot of money and resources and sharing doesn’t mean that you share your wealth with others. You have so many other things apart from

Think Big!

                                                                                       The magnitude of a person is decided by his/her thinking. Whatever you are or you wish to be in life, depends on your thinking. Your thought process decides your fate. Our mind processes any information that it gets. So, it is our duty to put positive information in our mind. Successful people know the secret of thinking big. That’s not a rocket science and you can learn it too. Thinking big is very easy but you’ve got to be persistent in your approach. You must think big every minute, every hour and every day of your life to become successful. It is like a mindset that you need to develop, and it can take years to reach a level where you have adapted to this skill set. But I will impart you a very simple exercise that can help you to think big and ignore all the negativity and trivial thoughts around you. From waking up early in the morning to going to bed at night, always believe that you are

Celebrate small achievements!

                                          Celebrating your achievements is one of the most rewarding feelings that you can get in life. Celebrating your small achievements is an achievement itself. It is like a confidence booster for you to achieve more. Very few people get to this position in life. People who celebrate small achievements are ready to achieve more in life. When you don’t celebrate your small accomplishments then you are not congratulating yourself. Celebrating your success is a crucial part of life. This encourages you to pat your back and motivate you to achieve more. When you achieve your smaller goals then you need motivation to achieve more. This inspiration will come from acknowledging your smaller efforts. Never rely on others for appreciation. Take pride in achieving your small goals and move forward and get to the bigger ones. When you rejoice minor accomplishments then you are recognizing the fact that you can attain more. You are believing in yourself.