Think Beyond Religion!

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How often have you seen a government officer or a person with power of a certain religion or caste favoring a person from his religion or caster over you, despite you being better and talented than your competitor. Has it happened with you? Or have you heard someone who has gone through this. I am sure you must have encountered this situation especially if you live in India. I am not saying this doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world. But it happens more in India as we have an array of religions and cultural sects.

I fail to understand that why people chose religion over talent. Why people are so obsessed with their religion and why they think that a person from their own religion is better than the one from other religion. Why they think that there’s a need to favor person from their own religion, sect and caste.

In this era, we must think beyond religion. I am not against any religion and why would I be as I don’t follow any. I am a follower of humanity and expect people to do the same. Humanity in itself is such a beautiful religion. We have everything in common. We all have two eyes, one mouth, lungs to breath, heart to pump blood in different parts of the body, legs to walk and so on.

Where’s the difference? I guess in thinking. Some cultures are obsessed with religion and some are not. I am not telling you to be an atheist or not believe there’s no God or a supreme power. Just accept the plain fact that religion is not the solution to a peaceful world and bright future.

I see Earth a better place without religion. Only one sect and one religion, humanity. A world where people stand for one another in difficult times. A world where people don’t associate with different religions. A world where people are ready to accept each other despite their color, region or language.

This recent pandemic has proven one thing that no religion, or so-called God-men can save you from the disasters of the nature. I am sure that more people than ever will let go religion and think more practically after this period is over.

Thinking beyond religion will bring more realism in your life. You will become less superstitious. You will become less skeptical about life and your future. You will have more clarity in whatever you do. You will have more friends than ever. You will never discriminate with anyone in your life.

Try once, try to think beyond religion, you will become a better person.


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