The Race of Life

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People make the biggest blunder of their life by not running their own race and following other’s footsteps. This can cause derailment and is also one of the principal causes of depression and anxiety in this world.

One must be prepared in life to take risks and chose their own path. A path that is designed especially for them. A path that is not copied from others. A path that doesn’t lead to where we don’t want to go. Choosing a path for yourself is difficult but not a rocket science.  

Running your own race will keep you happy in your life. You will feel contended and confident when you pursue your career. Choosing a path for yourself should be dependent on your choices and not anyone’s opinions. Although consulting people for your career path is good but you must leave the choice of choosing the path to yourself.

We may see people in life doing well in a particular field, but that doesn’t mean that you will excel in that too. You’ve got to find your inner self. You need to go deep in your thoughts and mind and try to find who you are. What do you exactly want from this life? Where do you see yourself in the next couple of decades? What are you ready to sacrifice for that? How much you can give it to that path? How ready are you to pursue with that career? What effects will that have on your family life. What impact does it have on you as a person?

You need to ask yourself these questions and more questions like these before making a great selection for your career path. If you are a carpenter by nature, then you must follow it and become a carpenter. Don’t try to be a plumber only because you will earn a little extra. Or you will do a little less labor. Copying someone or someone’s life may give you temporary satisfaction but one day you will realize that you were trying to be someone who you were not. This life is short and fickle, you won’t get a second chance at most of the things. So, you need to make the most of the first opportunity.

The race of life is so unusual. There is no medal or appreciation on finishing your race. There is only one destiny for all of us and that is death. But the thing that you must keep in mind is that everyone must have their own track to run. Own speed, own equipment, own inspiration and own motive.

In the hindsight you will notice that all that matters is that how well you have enjoyed your race. Some people will earn lesser than you and some will earn more. But what matters the most is that how contended and involved were you in running the race of your life.

Love and peace



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