Don't Judge People
‘If you judge
people, you have no time to love them’. – Mother Teresa
Judging people is a very negative yet common habit among people. When you judge someone, you are just making a perception about that person from your own ideas and level of thinking.
judging someone
will make a perception about that person in your mind which isn’t true. You can
never judge a person correctly and there’s no need to either. Why people judge
others? I think it is innate and most people do this when they see and meet
other people.
Right after meeting
someone, people start making predictions about the nature, financial status,
habits (good and bad), and many other things of that person. This is a very
negative attitude to have in life. You must never judge a person and his/her
abilities. Your judgement about others is mostly wrong. So why judge?
You may not be
aware of a person’s struggles, his/her obstacles in life and many other factors
that shape everyone differently. We simply start judging a person right after the
first interaction. How silly it looks. Isn’t it?
It is not that I don’t
judge people. It is a human nature and can’t be avoided easily. I used to judge
people a lot in the past. But now I have tried hard and have reached a position
where I might judge one or two people out of hundred. If I can change, you can
change as well.
Start with your loved
ones and friends. We often judge our near and dear ones. That is the main
reason behind broken relations. You can never have the time to love and admire
people around you when you judge them. Criticizing someone is not bad until and
unless it is constructive. When you do destructive criticism, that is not
So, promise
yourself today to not judge anyone on their looks, habits and nature. Everyone
is different and we must accept that fact graciously.
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