Be ahead of time


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‘There is always something ahead of time, keep looking for it, recognize it, pounce on it and eventually be successful.’ – Darshan Singh

People who are highly successful are always ahead of their time. Whether it is their thinking, or it is their methods of pursuing their careers, takes them to spectacular heights. A successful person always looks for opportunities. He/she always look for something that has huge potential. They know how to exploit those opportunities and make them big.

Being ahead of time might seem a difficult task, but who said that becoming successful is easy. You need to be aware of the trends in order to be successful in life. When you know the current situation properly then you can anticipate the future as well. When you are always thinking about the future and its trends, you tend to form tremendous ideas in your mind. You start to generate more and more ideas for the future. So that means you need to know the present well in order to know the trends of future.  

You must keep looking for opportunities in your daily routine. You never know when you are going to get a great idea for business. You will get ideas about bettering your life when you least expect them. The only way you can get ideas and recognize opportunities is to have a positive intent of learning things.

When you go somewhere, keep your eyes and ears open, mind attentive, and have a learning attitude. You will absorb so much from surroundings itself. People will teach you with everything you need to learn.

Whenever you do a certain thing in life, you must always believe that there is a better way to do it. There is something ahead of time, an idea, an opportunity, a way that can change you as well as other’s life. An idea like Microsoft, apple phone and Amazon.

While these people were working on their projects, they knew the potential of their products. So, you are never judged by the things you are doing in the present, you are judged by the things that holds tremendous potential for the future.

So there is always an idea that can change the future, you must always keep looking for it and when you understand that idea, you must work on it day and night on it and give yourself a chance to be successful.

Love and Power to you

Darshan Singh


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