Cooking – Men’s or Women’s Job?

                                     Why Do Women Desire for Men Who Can Cook? -

Men cooking food in some countries is considered as feminine. I have to say that this is one of the most pathetic mindsets that I have come across. Unfortunately, it is quite prevalent in India and some parts of Asia and Africa.

Women in traditional families of India are merely considered as the cook, caretaker, cleaner and housekeeper of the family. This has become a trend of society that might look normal to Indians but people from other nations may find it bizarre.

Have you ever thought why only women are posted to this job and why men are not? I fail to understand this inclination and have often asked people about it. Surprisingly, most of the people felt normal about it. And you will be astonished to know that majority of them were women.

The pathetic version that we feed to the girls of our country from their childhood that the are inferior to boys. They are weak and can’t compete with so called brave boys. We infuse the thought that you are meant to serve men and you must stay behind your man in every situation.

This crap piece of information that we give to our girl child has made her believe that she is inferior to men. This has made her believe that she is weak. This has made her believe that she needs to worship her man like a God.

For God’s sake, stop nourishing your girl child like this. But now coming back to my main topic that was very well related to the above paragraphs that men should know how to cook. I am talking about the average man who comprises of the middle-class majority in our country.

If his attitude change towards cooking, then whole country’s attitude can change. This is something that we need to teach our kids. Cooking is not only meant for females, but it is meant for everyone. The whole struggle of surviving in this world is feeding your stomach at the end of the day. As a man if you are reliant on your food on someone else, then you need to change. You can only be a man when you are not dependent on anyone for your food.

Cooking is not feminine; it is a manly thing. Go check on the internet that most famous cooks around the world are men. Go to community kitchens and you will see that majority of the cooks are men. If cooking was a female thing then why the professional kitchens around the world are still male dominated? I am not saying that men are made for cooking. It is the whole human race that should know this art.

The plain reason is that as a human, knowing how to cook food is innate. It is not a special skill that is only limited to few people or a selected section of the society or a particular gender. Cooking food must be known by everyone and should be instinctive to humans.

Love and peace



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