Save for the future

                                                 Saving Money on Shopping - Dubai Eye 103.8 -

Saving for the future is one of the best habits that a person can have. As an Indian, I was taught to save from my childhood. Indians are excellent when it comes to maintaining their savings, we have it in our blood. Indian readers can understand what I am trying to convey.

However, these days I see a different trend. I see young people buying super expensive mobile phones that costs equal to their three or even four months of salary. That is absolutely rubbish. I mean for what and why they want to do this? Just to show it off to some people. I think it’s not worth it. A good smartphone worth $250 works as good as a $800 phone. So, what’s the point of spending that $550 extra?

I don’t see any reason behind that, and I feel that people must start realizing that saving money will help them in testing times. I am not saying that one must only concentrate on savings, but I am just telling you to spend your money wisely. Savings are gold, whenever you are in trouble, you have that cushion behind you.

You can take an example of this pandemic (Covid-19) and how has it hit the job and industry sector. I have seen many people going bankrupt and some are facing tremendous challenge to just survive with limited resources.

On the other hand, I see people who are pursuing hobbies, reading books, working on their fitness, learning new languages and doing what they were not able to do when things were normal. The reason these people were able to spend time on these activities is that they have saved for it. These people were smart enough to save money for such times. Even though they are not earning but are still living their life in a luxurious way.

So, you earn, you spend, you enjoy, I have no problem with that. But try to figure out the things where you can save those small bucks and save them for your rainy days.


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